Preciously detailed baby dolls
The Spanish company Muñecas Arias offers a wide range of baby dolls, dolls and accessories including prams, strollers and wooden furniture for dolls.
“From the Elegance collection to the refined Reborns line through the real weight newborn items, dolls definitely are the company’s outstanding proposal”, says Donatella Papetta, owner of Top Company which represents Muñecas Arias in Italy (in the picture). “The careful and plentiful details featured by the baby dolls are the basic elements that create the wonderful world of sweetness enveloping the child and they define their immediate visibility in the marketplace. Every doll and baby doll are preciously detailed and almost entirely manufactured using a craftmanship method. The choice of textiles and models inspired by those of real babies completes the result. Last but not least, from the commercial point of view thanks to the coupling of quality and competitiveness the consumer can easily access the Arias products even if positioned in the mid-high range, since they are really worth their price. The encouraging trend of the doll category – at the third place in the NPD’s Supercategories – contributes to the company’s success: during the last six years it has been constantly growing on the Italian market and it is present in the most representative specialist shops”.
The Spanish doll industry boasts a long tradition that finds the proper expression in the Arias products. “The Arias collection is renewed every year thanks to the creative efforts of the style and design team and always is perfectly trendy as to colours, fabrics and coordination”, observes Papetta. “Muñecas Arias’ taste is very similar to the Italian one which has long been representing, without any doubt, the most harmonious proposal of shapes and colours in all businesses. In the 2023 collection, the colours, the choice of light-toned clothes, the accessories (soft plaids, plush, sleeping bags…) make the Reborn dolls the children’s perfect companions”.
Muñecas Arias:
Creating joy in the form of dolls for more than 45 years
It all began 45 years ago. José Antonio Arias and Mª Luisa Martinez put abrilliant idea into action: creating joy in the form of dolls. Their idea lives on thanks to the determination of his children to continue something that is not just a profession; it’s tradition. A way of life that stems from a family’s wish to put smiles on the faces of children around the world. Our beginnings mark who we are. That’s why we’re proud to be from one of Spain’s prime doll-making regions: El Valle del Juguete, or Toy Valley, a hub of creativity which is famous for making dolls that will become a childhood companion that children will remember forever.
We have been making dolls in Castalla, close to Alicante in south-eastern Spain, for more than four decades. We rely on the hands of the best craftspeople who are specialised in the art of toymaking. They have perfected the product throughout the years, resulting in the quality specimens we have now. We were one of the first companies to manufacture our Reborns
product line on a large scale, dolls that look just like real babies, created using meticulous artisanal techniques. This is just a sample of what we are. Of how we use detail to carefully
develop an exclusive, handmade, one-of-a-kind product. Our team put their heart and soul into creating dolls that help create joy. That help us créate joy alongside you.
Company contacts:
Donatella Papetta
Mob: +39.335.20.48.94