Marina & Pau:
The primary purpose of Toys is to entertain and learn while having fun, and these are the fundamentals we work on at Marina & Pau, searching for the essence, the true ORIGIN. That is why our symbol is the Dandelion, a flower we have all blown on to make its seeds fly and dream of a kingdom where fairies and elves reside.
A flower that represents happiness and harmony, innocence and nostalgia. One that reminds us what we want and where we want to go. The dandelion reflects a before and an after. A commitment to the future linked to the doll industry in ONIL (Spain). The desire to honour those enterprising people who, at the end of the 19th century, with clay from our land, were the seed of this industry whose legacy we are proud of. And it is also change, innovation, knowing how to evolve over time. Products made with all our love.
Marina & Pau is QUALITY, it is TRADITION, it is INNOVATION.
Company contacts:
Tel.: +34 965565351
C/ Llebeig, 13
C/ Santa Ana, 7
03430 ONIL (Alicante) – ESPAÑA