Wide assortment, quality and service
A specialist in board games, dV Games, an Italian company based in Perugia, acquired Ghenos Games, based in Milan, in 2021 so strengthening its position in its market branch.
“dV Games and Ghenos Games represent a point of reference for all consumers, thanks to a catalogue which offers many products addressing a wide range of users, from children to adults, from occasional players approaching the board games experience for the first time to board games fans”, says Cristina Fenizia (picture), Digital Communication Specialist at Ghenos Games. “We are highly focused on our products’ quality and on the company’s personal commitment, by meeting the trade in person at the fairs, by suggesting the products that fit their requirements and by granting a quick and efficient after-sales service”.
In general, the board games business is enjoying a very positive moment in Italy: “Board games were not hurt by isolation caused by the pandemic; on the contrary, the sector has kept on growing and has helped many people spend their time pleasantly in the darkest phase of the lockdown”, Fenizia recalls. “Later, the trend has even improved, although gradually, and we have observed ever more curiosity and renewed interest in this fantastic world. Board games, indeed, are constantly evolving and always being renewed”.
DV Games:
daVinci Editrice is a board game publisher under the dV Games brand, founded in 2001. Following its first commercial achievements, it has forged rela;onships with a wide network of interna;onal partners, distribu;ng its games worldwide and gaining important awards in Italy and abroad. Since 2021 the company has acquired Ghenos S.r.l., greatly expanding its catalogue and becoming, thus, a publishing hub of reference for all market players.
Simplicity and originality are the basis of every dV Games crea;on, supported by high quality standards and highly interac;ve game dynamics. The catalogue ranges from games for kids to family and party games, from strategic games for everyone to experienced players games.
Our mission is to make board games a beloved pas;me for everyone, as an alterna;ve to other entertainments such as TV, pubs, discos and movies. We strongly believe that board games increasingly represent an essen; al tool of “being together,” spreading cheerfulness and lightheartedness to every family, party and group of friends
Dv Games:
Paolo Bachiorri
email: paolo.bachiorri@dvgiochi.com
tel: 0756976010
Ghenos Games:
Alfredo Genovese
email: alfredo.genovese@ghenosgames.com
tel: 0236507782