About us
The Playful Living is a platform of co-ProjectACTION that focuses on the family, its relationships and the child as a person in its approach to everyday life.
The Playful Living and Cilab (Creative Industries Lab) aim to discover, understand and interpret the wide world of products and services dedicated to kids.
Together, they co-design and innovate spaces, furniture, clothes, games, toys, food, services, workshops, events and much more.
- Identify the new needs of kids and families to find and suggest new contemporary solutions, qualifying the offer in the wide market of product and services dedicated to kids.
- Create innovation cultural, social and environmental one. Together with people, companies and institutions.
- Build an active community and a pro-active one, to create value throughout the supply chain, from the designer to the consumer
- Spread the “Playful” culture to develop new positive relations with the world, others and ourselves, through engaging and customer retention experiences.
- Enhance and experiment new shapes of business, with numbers and values.
Our Manifesto
- Live with imagination: Reality can be transformed and improved: every object, space, event, becomes an opportunity for something extraordinary.
- Live with curiosity: Explore the new, it is intriguing, it enriches us, it encourages us to know us and the others.
- Live with empathy: At the base of the evolution, there is the ability to understand, to identify and respect people, things, spaces and time.
- Live with simplicity: Through the simplification of languages, symbols, processes, we arrive at the enhancement of every aspect of life.
- Live with irony: Never forget to see the fun side of things.