LifeGate, for more than 20 years, a primary resource for sustainable development in Italy
LifeGate was established in 2000, drawing upon the experience gained in the 1980s by the Roveda family with their Fattoria Scaldasole, the first company to enter the large-scale retail market with an organic product. Since then, the goal has been to promote a just and sustainable world where circularity is the future ‒ as in friendship and love, give and take underlies the relationships between people, businesses and the planet. Sustainable lifestyles encompass all aspects of daily life, juxtaposing each individual’s set of values with those of others and with the surrounding environment. A more aware approach that redefines the notion of progress by taking environmental, social and economic factors into account.
LifeGate is a Benefit corporation, seen as a primary sustainability resource in Italy, and brings together a community of more than 5 million people.
Every day, LifeGate invests its passion and determination into sharing information, projects and services engaging an ever-broader network of people, businesses, NGOs and institutions actively working toward change for a more sustainable future.
To improve its own sustainability, LifeGate supports businesses through consulting, strategic communication and environmental projects. The consultancy team has long supported companies by facilitating their efforts to report and define sustainability strategies, highlighting the benefits of the approach the company has evolved over time.
To combat environmental pollution and climate change, since 2000, LifeGate has tapped into the most advanced and innovative technologies to share its model of sustainable development and conscious consumption, including tangible projects.
Plants are able to absorb the CO2 emitted by any human activity. As a result, in 2001 Zero Impact® was launched, the first initiative in the world committed to the voluntary activation of the Kyoto Protocol. Over the years, the emissions of 400 million products were calculated and reduced when possible. Residuals were compensated for through the purchase of carbon credits generated through reforestation programs, with 80 million square meters of protected forest, thanks in part, to the Stand Up Forests project. With the ongoing aim to combat global warming, in 2005 LifeGate Energy was established ‒ clean energy, 100% renewable, Italian and with Zero Impact® ‒ that has provided 900 GWh to private parties and businesses.
In support of biodiversity, 5 million bees were protected with Bee my Future.
In recent years, the presence of plastic in the oceans has reached emergency levels. The LifeGate PlasticLess® initiative tackled the problem and, in just two years, collected 25 thousand kilos of plastic waste in Italy and Europe.
Dedicated to start-ups, LifeGate Way was established in 2021, thanks to an impressive crowdfunding campaign that brought in more than 1800 new members and raised 2 million euro. A true open innovation hub, with the purpose of creating an ecosystem of sustainable startups selected on the principles promoted by LifeGate since its inception: People, because, in business, the first asset is its people, the entrepreneur and the team, with their values, talent and skills; Planet, because the business can also create environmental and social value; Profit, because the business model must create economic value for its shareholders and for its own community.
LifeGate Education develops remote corporate training programs through the use of an innovative, proprietary technological platform.
Through its own media network, LifeGate provides people with information and tangible tools that allow them to embrace sustainability in every one of their daily choices and to become leaders in a new society. An evolving society that is narrated through “Sustainable lifestyle observatories” surveys that for years have provided insight into how the Italians and Milanese apply the topics of sustainability to their vision of the future and in their everyday choices.
LifeGate gives everyone the opportunity to choose, Italian renewable energy for their own home and for their own savings, a sustainable impact investment fund, for their journeys in responsible experiences.