Space Saurians announces that its first animated series is in the works
Space Saurians launches its first line of branded items
Space Saurians:
Space Saurians is the new toy concept aimed at merging the world of action figures with the world of dinosaurs.
Below we list the features and progress of this concept:
- concept category: Action figure, collectible;
- concept development status: Advanced, there are, drawings, 3D models, prototypes, packaging and listing;
- the Concept enjoys trademark, designs and models registered with WIPO and SIAE;
- the Concept would boast a wide margin of penetration in both a positively playful and “collectable” sector;
- an initial liking analysis has already been experienced on an important statistical sample ( 100 individuals in the age range of 3 years to 7 years), obtaining encouraging positive feedback in the visual and playful fields;
We have also had excellent feedback regarding a transposition of the concept into graphic and animation fields.